I normally put any travel stuff over on my journal page, but apparently google like a blog post and this is my blog, so here it will be!
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to go and shoot a wedding in Venice last week,( photos from that to come later)
I love Italy, I mean really love it, but Venice was never top on my list of places to go, it never appealed to me like the rolling hills of Tuscany or the colourful villages of southern Italy, I just didn't think it would have the wow factor like other places I could think of.
Oh my goodness, what a total idiot I was, this place is probably the most beautiful city I've ever been to. It's totally unspoilt, it's not been ruined by humans wanting to modernise it, and that is a complete rarity. It's easy to get lost in the winding alleys and you definitely should.
But from the minute I stepped off my water taxi I was speechless, that never happens, and then I saw all the dogs, dogs everywhere, a doggy heaven, if I haven't mentioned it before I will now.
I had a few days to wander around and soak in the sunshine, fully intending to capture the beauty of this floating paradise, but it quickly turned into an " OMG DOGGGGGGGG!!!" photo expedition.
Obviously I've included some token shots of all the amazing places in Venice but the real stars of the show are the canines roaming this beautiful city.
Venice, you are an absolute gem of a city and I love your ice cream.
But I love your dogs even more.
NB: The mosquitos out there are real assholes, if you are going, be prepared and take some industrial strength repellent. I got bit on the hand and ended up with sausage fingers, it was not a fun time.